
Advantages of universal health care

septiembre 10, 2022

Health protection pdf

Abstract 13. This paper aims to show the significant role that Advanced Practice Nursing (APN) can play in strengthening primary health care (PHC), as well as the situation of this phenomenon in Latin American countries. Evidence shows that APNPs in PHC provide high quality and cost-effective care for the health systems of the countries; there are even results with patients that are comparable or better than the medical counterparts. It is known that PAHO/WHO is currently establishing a work plan to support the expansion and professionalization of PHC, whose priority is the preparation and professionalization of nurses to effectively promote the implementation of Universal Health Coverage.

Abstract 17. This paper aims to show the significant role that Advanced Practice Nursing (APS) can play in the strengthening of Primary Health Care (PHC), and what is the situation of this phenomenon in Latin American countries. The evidence shows that the EPAs in the APS, provide high quality and cost-effective care for the health systems of the countries, there are even results with patients that are comparable or better than the medical counterparts. It is known that PAHO/WHO is currently establishing a work plan to support the expansion and professionalization of the EPA, prioritizing the preparation and professionalization of nurses so that they are prepared to effectively promote and implement Universal Health Coverage.

Sanitary protection examples

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Health care financing is the function of a health system that focuses on mobilizing, accumulating and allocating resources to meet the health needs of the population, either individually or collectively, in the health system.

In the Region of the Americas, the Strategy for Universal Access to Health and Universal Health Coverage – CD53/5, Rev. 2, and PAHO/WHO resolution CD53/R14, requests Member States to:

Mapfre Health

A Universal, equitable, comprehensive, sustainable, effective and quality National Health System, with a particular focus on population groups living in vulnerable conditions, through the strengthening of the steering role of the health authority and intersectoriality; the consolidation of health protection and promotion and disease prevention, as well as the provision of plural and articulated services based on primary care; the generation and management of adequate resources; evaluation and scientific research, encouraging the participation of society with co-responsibility.

Protection of human health

Health care in Guatemala is provided through a government and private sector system, and focuses on many different systems of prevention and care. The Guatemalan Constitution states that every citizen has the universal right to health care. [4] : v Currently the health care system in Guatemala is strong within the country’s urban agglomerations, however, the right to health has been difficult to guarantee due to limited government resources and other access problems in rural areas. The health care system in place today developed out of the Civil War in Guatemala. The Civil War prevented social reforms from occurring, especially in the health sector. [5] : 6

Twelve percent of Guatemalans turn to the private sector for health care. This sector includes civil society organizations (CSOs) and/or religious organizations that operate on a not-for-profit basis. There is also an insignificant private health insurance sector. According to MSPAS estimates, non-governmental organizations provide coverage to about 18% of the population. Private insurance covers less than 8% of the population, mainly belonging to the two wealthiest and predominantly urban quintiles. According to MSPAS, the expansion of coverage in the period from 1990 to 2004 was 66%.

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