
Value of university education

julio 17, 2022

Higher education in the times of «COVID-2020». Si

To promote, regulate, advise and administer the National System of Higher Education, Science and Technology, establishing policies, strategies and programs aimed at developing sectors that contribute to the economic competitiveness and sustainable human development of the country.

To foster critical and democratic citizens, identified with national values and international solidarity, capable of participating effectively in the social, economic, cultural and political transformations of the country.

Adaptation to new environments by umecit

In order for you to get the most out of our innovative academic model, Universidad Europea offers you the most advanced Laboratories and Simulation Rooms, equipped with the most innovative technology.

Start your future at Universidad EuropeaChoosing what to study is one of the most important decisions, so we have a process and an advisory team that will help guide you along the way. In 3 steps you can become a student at Universidad Europea.

Participate in our Open Days to learn first-hand about our advanced Academic Model of Experiential Learning, the teaching team that is already thinking about your future, the different training programs that we offer and how you will begin your studies this coming academic year.

As part of its strategy, the University has an internal quality plan whose objective is to promote a culture of quality and continuous improvement, and to face future challenges with the maximum guarantee of success. In this way, it is committed to: promoting the achievement of external recognition and accreditation, both nationally and internationally; the measurement and analysis of results; simplification in management; and the relationship with external regulators.


dc.description.abstractEste trabajo presenta un modelo que mide el valor agregado o efecto escuela para la educación superior en Bogotá, utilizado para evaluar la calidad del sistema educativo en este nivel, aislando los conocimientos previos adquiridos por los estudiantes en la educación básica y media y los factores familiares, sociales y económicos, de tal manera que se pueda calcular realmente la efectividad del factor institucional que determina un valor agregado para el estudiante. Para realizar esta medición se utiliza una estimación de modelos lineales jerárquicos con variables instrumentales a partir de las bases de datos proporcionadas por el Instituto Colombiano para la Evaluación de la Educación y el Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística. Los resultados del modelo indican que el 71% del rendimiento académico de los estudiantes es explicado por factores asociados a la universidad y el 29% por factores sociales, económicos y de conocimiento previo. También se concluye que la Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz, la Universidad de la Sabana y la Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud, que ocuparon los puestos 13, 20 y 32 en el ranking utilizando la metodología de promedio simple, son las 3 primeras instituciones, respectivamente, que han aportado mayor valor agregado a sus estudiantes en Bogotá en el periodo 2007 – 2012.

Values in Higher Education.wmv

The values and principles of our University are present in our statutes and the different units, in their local PDI, have developed and emphasized different dimensions of them. Among the most relevant are:

The University Senate is the triestamental collegiate body, in charge of creating and safeguarding the norms that govern our work. Its fundamental task is to establish institutional development policies and strategies, as well as the objectives and goals that lead to their fulfillment. It is chaired by the Rector and composed of 36 other members: 27 academics, 7 students and 2 representatives of the collaboration staff, elected by their respective peers. Of the academics, one third is elected by the entire academic staff and the other two thirds by the members of the respective academic units.

The Evaluation Council is the collegiate body that exercises the superintendence of the evaluation function, which consists of examining, weighing and reporting on the quality and fulfillment of university tasks. The evaluation function applies to both structures and academics. It is composed of five academics with the rank of full professor, appointed by the University Senate at the proposal of the Rector.

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